
This tag is associated with 4 posts

I Pulled the Wool Over My Own Eyes

Today the Daily Prompt asks to tell about a time when someone had you completely fooled, where the wool was pulled right over your eyes and you got hoodwinked, but good. It seems like that has happened so often in my life. Sadly I feel like I am often easily fooled because I try so … Continue reading

Thirteen Years Have Passed

Grieving the loss of a child different for every one of us. It is a unique journey that forever changes your life. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how old your child was when it happened. The loss of one’s child is a traumatic experience and each parent will experience this loss in … Continue reading

I Remember

I Remember I remember days of swinging high And reaching out to touch the sky Of laughter, singing, skipping too I remember childhood days with you I remember a you, that loving smile. To be with me would walk a mile. Treated me with such pure love. A gift to me from high above. I … Continue reading

Focus on the Positive

Moments of Madness Life is made up of little moments. Not all of them are good and not all are bad. As human beings we often get stuck on the negative moments. They run through our minds like a broken record. They replay over and over like a film with no end. They take over … Continue reading

